Your anger is not harming the person to whom it is directed. In fact, many people spend decades being angry with someone who barely (if at all) remembers the event that caused the anger. That person’s life will not be changed by your anger, but yours will.
By not overcoming what you think and feel about the circumstances surrounding your anger, you give up your own power. You hold yourself in a state of mind that is not in alignment with your life purpose.
The key question: Are they worth it? Are the people who have wronged you worth the price that you are paying? Keep reading if the answer is no.
One thing to remember is that anger is a useful emotion that has its place in our lives. Don’t be afraid to follow your Inner Guidance when you are being called from a state of depression to one of anger.
Depression, which often results from repressed anger, is actually anger in a new form. It is anger turned inwards. And that is the worst thing that you could do to yourself. So, allow yourself to feel anger, hatred, or even rage for a short while. Draw pictures of the person and scratch their eyes out if you feel like it. Scream, yell, cry, or jump up and down. Have an angry pillow fight with your sofa. Do whatever you must do to honor and validate your own feelings, but plan to move on for your own benefit.
Many people refuse to forgive because they feel that the other person does not deserve it. They hold a grudge as if it is somehow paying back the person with whom they are angry. However, forgiveness is not for the other person. You must let go and forgive so that you may live out your life purpose. Yes, you also have the ability to spend your entire life being angry, but this choice will create life experiences that are not in harmony with what you want.
It is not what they did, but what you think about what they did. Your feelings are not the result of anything outside of yourself, so do not hold anyone else responsible for them. The way that you feel is always a reflection of what you are thinking. No matter what has happened, you remain in control of your reality. You are empowered to practice the art of allowing by releasing resistant thoughts and letting law of attraction deliver your ideal life. However, you are equally empowered to remain angry, thus using undesirable circumstances as an excuse to disallow the joyful life that is your birthright.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”- Buddha
If you allow angry thoughts to rankle in your mind, realize that you are the one creating your misery. Also realize that you are fully empowered to change it when you are ready. You owe it to yourself to have thoughts that summon law of attraction in a non-resistant way, thus creating the life of your dreams.
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson