Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Anger is an emotion that is as natural as any other; it has a tendency to eataway at the soul of the person who does not understand its role in their lives. Yes, anger does have its place and everyone will experience it. In fact, this emotion is highly beneficial to us at times. However, you do yourself a grave disservice by remaining angry. Holding onto anger until it becomes bitter resentment is a fail-safe way to disallow the benefits of Law of Attraction.
Your anger is not harming the person to whom it is directed. In fact, many people spend decades being angry with someone who barely (if at all) remembers the event that caused the anger. That person’s life will not be changed by your anger, but yours will.
By not overcoming what you think and feel about the circumstances surrounding your anger, you give up your own power. You hold yourself in a state of mind that is not in alignment with your life purpose.

The key question: Are they worth it? Are the people who have wronged you worth the price that you are paying? Keep reading if the answer is no.
Anger has its place.
One thing to remember is that anger is a useful emotion that has its place in our lives. Don’t be afraid to follow your Inner Guidance when you are being called from a state of depression to one of anger.
Depression, which often results from repressed anger, is actually anger in a new form. It is anger turned inwards. And that is the worst thing that you could do to yourself. So, allow yourself to feel anger, hatred, or even rage for a short while. Draw pictures of the person and scratch their eyes out if you feel like it. Scream, yell, cry, or jump up and down. Have an angry pillow fight with your sofa. Do whatever you must do to honor and validate your own feelings, but plan to move on for your own benefit.
Forgiveness is the answer.
Many people refuse to forgive because they feel that the other person does not deserve it. They hold a grudge as if it is somehow paying back the person with whom they are angry. However, forgiveness is not for the other person. You must let go and forgive so that you may live out your life purpose. Yes, you also have the ability to spend your entire life being angry, but this choice will create life experiences that are not in harmony with what you want.
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” – Lewis Smedes
It is not what they did, but what you think about what they did. Your feelings are not the result of anything outside of yourself, so do not hold anyone else responsible for them. The way that you feel is always a reflection of what you are thinking. No matter what has happened, you remain in control of your reality. You are empowered to practice the art of allowing by releasing resistant thoughts and letting law of attraction deliver your ideal life. However, you are equally empowered to remain angry, thus using undesirable circumstances as an excuse to disallow the joyful life that is your birthright.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”- Buddha
If you allow angry thoughts to rankle in your mind, realize that you are the one creating your misery. Also realize that you are fully empowered to change it when you are ready. You owe it to yourself to have thoughts that summon law of attraction in a non-resistant way, thus creating the life of your dreams.
“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


I read some feedback in an online group from a person who believed that the Law of Attraction teaches laziness. After all, they reasoned, there is no reason to actually do anything if you can truly be, do, and have whatever you want simply by thinking of it. So does that mean that we can all sit around thinking without taking action? Absolutely not!

The movie “The Secret” is one of many sources that introduce the Law of Attraction to the masses; however, it left many people with an oversimplified explanation of this Universal Law. If you don’t continue seeking to understand Law of Attraction once you’ve been introduced to it, you may indeed have misconceptions such as this one about negating action.
The problem for many people is that they try to make everything happen through their action alone.

Please send in your view on this topic: is universal law of attraction for lazy people?

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Living with high blood pressure is something that is possible. In fact there are a large number of individual who suffer from high blood pressure each day. Individuals suffering from high blood pressure should be able to successfully live with the condition; however, YOU must be ready to twist your lifestyle changes that may need to be made.

Almost all cases of high blood pressure are noticed and diagnosed by a doctor. There are a number of symptoms that an individual may experience and notice on their own; however, a large number of patients do not show any signs or symptoms. If high blood pressure goes untreated there is a serious risk of death or additional health problems. High blood pressure will not be completely cured and the risk of it remaining high is always there. Individuals who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure will need to work with a doctor or other healthcare professionals to establish a plan to reduce their blood pressure.

Living with high blood pressure is much better than the alternative which could be death. Living and making lifestyle changes is the better alternative; however, there are still a large number of individuals who find it hard or impossible to successfully live and manage their high blood pressure. There area number of helpful resources available for individuals who may be having a difficult time coping with the lifestyle changes that are required to keep their blood pressure at a safe level.

Individuals with high blood pressure are required to stop smoking or using other tobacco products. This is a large and stressful event all in itself for many people. High blood pressure has been known to cause heart or kidney problems. For this reason there are a number of ways to receive important information and helpful tips on dealing with high blood pressure from many heart or kidney originations.

High blood pressure is a health problem that affects a large number of individuals. Those with high blood pressure are encouraged to follow the advice of their doctor and seek assistance when needed. There is help available for dealing with high blood pressure. Individuals needing the help should consider taking it instead of suffering silently.


Many small businesses IN NIGERIA find themselves stretched for time in an economy that requires businesses to do more with less to stay competitive. That’s why it’s wise for entrepreneurs to develop good time management habits so that everything that needs to be done gets done.

Here are 9 time management tips to help you work smarter and use your time wisely.
1. Buy a week-at-a-glance appointment book and use it religiously. Write everything that you need to accomplish in this book. This book is your brain!
2. Differentiate between the urgent and the vital. The urgent may be making a lot of noise to get your attention, but it is rarely vital that it be done right now or at all.“The vital task rarely needs to be done today. The urgent task calls for instant action. The momentary appeal of these tasks seems irresistible, and they devour our energy. With a sense of loss we recall the vital tasks we pushed aside. We realize that we have become slaves to the tyranny of the urgent.” –Charles Hummel
3. The key is not to prioritize what is on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
4. Keep track of your time by 15 minute increments for 2 weeks to see how you actually spend your time.
5. Say “no” to the project, not the person. You cannot do everything everyone asks you to do.
6. Learn how to effectively delegate. This means picking the right person, giving clear directions, setting benchmark and due dates, and then letting them do it.
7. Procrastination has a lot of different causes: fear, boredom, perfectionism, an overwhelming task and unclear goals. Identify the reason behind procrastination, so you are solving the right problem when dealing with it.
8. Set goals. They help you prioritize your activities and let you know that you have succeeded.
9. There are 1,440 minutes in a day and 29020 days in an 80 year lifetime. Take control of your time and make this year the year you do what you want.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Our belief system is a powerful part of our being. It decides who we are and what we become, both mentally and physically. The belief system is formed by perceptions and acceptance. When these perceptions of ourselves, whether false or true, negative or positive, are accepted as truth by our subconscious mind, they drop into our belief system and become reality.
I’m sure many of you remember the famous line from the movie Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” I would like for you to remember this: “If you believe it, it will be.” Any way you do the math, it still comes out the same: perception + belief = your reality.When we are first separated from our mother’s womb, we become like a tape recorder, and our subconscious mind is like a blank tape, waiting to be programmed.
As the analytical part of the mind is not fully developed until around age thirteen, the subconscious readily accepts and believes whatever it hears and sees as truth. Young children have no concept of who they are. Their self-image is formed by what they’ve been told by others and how they perceive things to be. It can even be formed by things they’ve overheard. “Ooo … He’s so bad!” “You look so pretty!” “You’re so strong!” “You don’t listen!” “She’s not good at math.” Think about it, what self-image are you helping to form in your child? Is it good, or is it filled with negatives? Children will live up not only to their own perceptions, but also to yours.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


It worries one to think that the future of the Nigerian youth is uncertain because it lacks direction. There is an argument that young Nigerians don’t have sound set of values or models to look up to. The reason for this write-up is to showcase inspiring Nigerians all over the world who are doing Nigeria proud, individuals the younger generation could model and pattern their lives after.
These individuals through what they do and through whatever instrument that is in their hand motivate and inspire the public. You see motivation can come in various forms and by various means.
Messages like “Be you, be free, be brilliant,” “If it doesn’t exist, then you are lucky; invent it,” “Hard is a reality, difficult is a myth…impossible doesn’t exist,” “People think it, great people think it and do it,” “Achieve the extraordinary” is a reflection
of the bank PHB’s work ethics. To succeed in any Endeavour, one must develop the habit of
thinking positive.
Mr. Atuche is a great thinker and it showed on the activities of the bank earning them the name the thinking bank. According to Dayo Lawuyi, former managing director of Dunlop Nigeria Plc, “Strategic thinking should be a team effort but the CEO must do the initial thinking…. All I have to do is to tell my colleagues about the vision because they are experts in their own fields. They will then come with their ideas and we create together. It is a team work but the CEO cannot exonerate himself from the leadership.”
Creativity is very important in whatever we are doing. It was Dale Dauten who observed “If you want to be creative in your company, your career, your life, all it takes is one easy step… the extra one. When you encounter a familiar plan, you just ask one question: What else could we do?”You must make it your business to be visible
We must be futuristic. According to Ted Levitt “The future belongs to people who see possibilities for profiting before they become obvious to all.” You will agree with me that the youths are the future. Lastly, we must appreciate God for the inspiration to do whatever we are doing.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Here is the final stage. And hope my write was useful.
Food for thought…
one purpose. Once you've defined your dream, focus on it completely. That means you need to put any other goals on the backburner for now, and have only one purpose in your life. Later, you can focus on other goals, but if you have multiple goals, you will become distracted and lose purpose. Focus so that you are keeping your focus on that one thing.

Use a mantra. A great way to keep you focused is to use Guy Kawasaki's idea of creating a mantra instead of a mission statement. Stew your goal down to a few words. Guys' mantra: empower entrepreneurs. What's yours? Once you've defined your mantra, print it out, post it up, and say it several times a day.
Set aside time each day. You will not go anywhere if you don't devote time to your dream. Set aside an hour (or at least 30 minutes) each day for working towards your dream. If you can do more, great, but one step at a time is all it takes. Set aside time either in the morning, or in the evening, or some time when you know you will do it every day. Make it a habit, and you will succeed.

Pretend you can't fail. Imagine that you cannot fail, that you may slip up and fall, but that you will get up and learn from that fall. Take away all fear of risk and loss, and believe in your success. Now act as if you cannot fail. And by acting so, you will make it happen.
Live as you want to be remembered. How do you want to be remembered when you die? This is a common method for deciding how to live your life. If you want to be remembered for realizing your dream, then don't start on it when it's too late. Start on it now. Live your life so that your dream actually comes true.


Here is a continuation. please read through i am very sure by the end of this post you would have discovered your dream and how to achieve them dreams.
Food for thought...
What environment do you enjoy working in? An office, a college, a classroom, a construction site, the ocean, the forest? Where you work is also an important factor in your dream job.
List your top 5 passions. Now that you've given various factors some thought, and tried some online tools, make a short list of your top 5 passions. If you don't have 5, list as many as you have. Then compare your top 5 passions, and rank them from top to bottom. This will be the starting point your guide to making your dream a reality.
How can you turn your passions into your work? Of the top 2-3 passions on your short list, can any of them be turned into your life's work? What professions use those passions as a mainstay of their work? How would you get into those professions, and do you think you would love what you do if you did them?

Create a clear vision. Clarity of vision is the key to achieving your dream once you've discovered it. Take some time to think about exactly what your dream is, what your dream job would be, how you see yourself doing it, where you are, what you're surrounded by, who you're working with, what tools you're using, the benefits to you and others. Write it down, and try to make it as clear as possible. You should be able to visualize this dream in your head. The more real it seems in your mind, the more likely it is that it will become reality.
Create a roadmap. Once you've clearly pictured your destination, what's left is creating a map for getting to that destination. Try backwards planning: what's the last step you'd have to do before attaining your goal? What would the last step be before that step? Keep going backwards until you get to the first step. Then focus all your efforts on that first step.

Brainstorm. Sometimes there are more than one road to get to a destination. Brainstorm a bunch of ideas for getting there, a bunch of actions you can take to move yourself closer to your destination. Then put them together into your roadmap. Even if you don't have a complete roadmap, having a clearly defined destination, and taking the first step, are enough to get you started.
Do research. Learn as much as you can about your dream. Check out some books from the library, do some web surfing, talk to others who are knowledgeable. Become an expert on the topic.

How are others doing it? Find others who are living your dream. Read about them, write to them, meet with them. Find out what steps they took to get there, what's required, how they did it. Then use that information for your roadmap.
Practice, practice. While you're taking your steps to realizing your dream, practice your passion as much as possible. Practice, of course, makes perfect ... and you want to be as good at what you want to do as humanly possible. This isn't an easy step, but it's worth it.

Get inspired. Find others who are trying to achieve the same dream, see what obstacles they've face and how they've overcome them. Put up photos from magazines to inspire you. Read motivational quotes. If you're inspired, you will have the energy needed to get there.
Get motivated. Along those lines, find motivation to keep you on your path. Motivation and focus are the keys to achieving any goal. What are your motivations? Making a public commitment, setting up rewards, inspiring yourself, tracking your progress and finding a partner are great ways to motivate yourself.


One of the most important rules of happiness in life is to do what you love. But discovering that dream job and what you are meant to do in life isn't always so easy.But what do you do if you don't know what you want to do? If you don't know what your dream is? This is a common problem, and many people wander through much of their life without discovering their passion, and go from job to job, unfulfilled and miserable.If that's you, don't give up. What follows is a list of suggestions that will help you discover your dream, and start on the road to living that dream. They're things that have worked for me and many others I've studied, talked to, interviewed and admired. If you spend time thinking about your dreams, you are taking the first step towards making them a reality.
Food for thought….
What are your hobbies? -- it means anything you do with your spare time. That could be books, reading about history, programming Linux utilities, writing on your blog, writing poetry, cooking, whatever. As it's clear that this is how you like to spend your time, and that you're willing to do these things without pay, Give each of your hobbies some thought, and think about whether they're things you love to do, and that you'd love to do for a living.

What are your talents? It's been said that each of us have at least one gift we've been given, and that the true purpose of our lives is discovering that gift, and sharing it with the world. There is much truth in that statement, and an important part of this process is discovering your gift. What are you good at? What talents do you have? What have you shown an aptitude for in your current and previous jobs, in school, in your personal life? Anything goes here.

Who do you like to work with? A dream job includes not only what you want to do, but who you are doing it with. You should truly enjoy working with these people. In this step, you can name specific people you love working with, or types of people (creative types, programmers, entrepreneurs, blue collar, etc.). Use your ideas here to help you envision your dream job (more on that below).

What do you like to work with? The tools of the job are very important. If you love working with computers (even a specific type of computer), that's a clue to your dream job. If you love working with clay, or paper, or people, or clothes, that's a clue. If you like working with a hammer, or a piano, you're off to a great start in discovering your dream.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The report specifically stated that over a million Nigerian under-five children die each year from preventable diseases such as whopping cough, polio, measles and pneumonia, making Nigeria one of the top 12 countries with the highest under-five mortality rate in the world. Also, according to the report, nearly a third of the country’s children are under-weight and about half of the country’s total population has no access to safe drinking water. The report further disclosed that the Nigerian child is faced with severe cases of under-nutrition, a factor which contributes to about half of all deaths among the under-five.
Condition of the Nigerian child still shows no sign of significant improvement. This much is apparent in the recent release of the 2008 United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) "State of the World’s Children Report". The section on Nigeria is tellingly grim, a very disturbing story of insufficient concern, if not outright neglect of society’s most vulnerable group.

This is the grim reality of the Nigerian child, an existence marked by the most difficult of struggles for survival, from the womb to the tomb. For most, it is a miserable life that more often than not is cut short as a result of the absence of the basic necessities of life. In life, he or she is often unloved, unwanted and even abandoned, left all alone to face society’s cruel fates.
In Nigeria, he or she is an adult even before he has matured, forced to fend for himself or herself and made to bear the burden of the gross follies and failures of the adults who run the affairs of society. He is the perfect study case in exploitation, neglect and abandonment.
On its part, UNICEF, in its concern for the Nigerian child has called on all the states in the country to implement the Integrated Maternal, New-born and Child Health Strategy (IMNCH), a policy that encompasses the Accelerated Child Survival and Development (ACCD).

According to UNICEF, the ACCD promotes the selection of low-cost and high impact intervention packages such as strengthening routine immunization, Vitamin A supplementation, exclusive breastfeeding, Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) and the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs). These measures, if fully implemented May not just put us on the road to meeting the MDGs target date of 2015 for reducing under-five mortality rate by two-thirds, but more importantly improve the overall health and wellbeing of our children.
The Nigerian child has been battered and abandoned long enough. Is it not time we listened to his pleas for mercy, for concern, for love and above all his call to us to relieve him of the terrible pains he has been in since birth? Shouldn’t his everyday tears move us to action? Shouldn’t his cries be our cries, his pains, our pains, his hunger our hunger and his vulnerability our vulnerability also? He is precious and invaluable, God’s priceless gift to mankind. The kind of tomorrow we want for our country is dependent on the kind of investment we make in the child today. This therefore means that our future, including our desire to be among the top 20 world economies by 2020 is tied to what we make of him or how we treat him today. Here then is the stark choice before us: treat him well now and reap a bountiful future or continue to abandon him and the country will continue to be consigned to backwardness.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I am the type of person who used to have a very negative attitude to most aspects of life. I am not alone in thinking this way as most of the people I meet seem to be constantly moaning about different things and basically feeling sorry for themselves. This article looks at the reasons and benefits of having a more positive outlook on life.
About ten years ago I decided that I needed to have a change of approach. I wanted to be a happy and care-free person and was fed up of always being stressed and worrying about the future. To achieve this I started to read many self-help, confidence type books and websites.
There was a regular message which came from this literature which was to think more positive and to believe in your ability to succeed in whatever you attempt to do.
This is easy to write or say, but in reality it is difficult to implement in practice. Of course I tried but in truth I did not really believe in the whole practice. I would go into a task thinking, I can do this, but it would still end up in failure.
I could not understand what was going wrong so I therefore went back to the books to try to learn more. There was a new and even more important message which I had missed the first time around. What I had to do was to take a positive out of whatever happens to me, even if this is learning from my failings.
As an example of taking a positive from whatever happens in life, is something which happened in my family recently. My nan has recently passed away, she was eighty-eight. I used to visit her at least once a week at the flat where she lived. She was a very honest person and always talked very openly to me. Around two months before she died she told me that she was very tired and that she no longer wanted to be on this planet.
I was quite shocked by her admission and asked her what was wrong. She stated that she had nothing to look forward to and that she did not want to reach a point where she could no longer bath herself etc. She continued that she hoped that I would not grieve for to long when she did die and that she wanted me to be happy for her.
This was quite upsetting for me to hear but at least she was being honest of course. Two months later my dad phoned me and told me that my nan had passed away in the night.
I was obviously upset and the thought of never being able to see her again hit me hard. I then thought about what she had said and looked up to the sky and gave my nan a smile and a message, I love you.
I thought positive about the whole event and was actually happy for her. I hope that one day we will meet again.


Words are spirits and they are powerful. what we say is what happens to us. Let us therefore practice the art of positive confession. Below are examples. Say them as often as you can and what your life become a miracle.
I am the apple of God's eye. I am on the mind of God
God will not leave me nor forsake me
His word concerning my life is yea and amen
I shall be the head and not the tail
I shall eat of the best of this land london cannot contain my family and I
My eyes shall see excellent things
My ears shall hear excellent report
My hands are blessed, i will lack no good thing
I shall be a blessing to my generation and the generations to come
I shall not die but live long to declare the mighty works of God
I shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water
I shall bear fruit in season and out of season
No evil tongue formed against me shall prosper
I am blessed beyond every curse
The world is about to celebrate me
I shall eat of the fruit of my lips
I shall eat of the fruit of my labour
This is my week of divine excellence
My relationship with the lord jesus shall be shall stronger than ever
I am a living testimony
Men shall see me and see jesus. i am blessed, insured and assured by the blood of king jesus. Amen!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Life seldom presents one with only good things and thus we are stuck dealing with hardships and events not to our liking. How can we do this without resorting to unenlightened tactics such as whining, anger and stress?


Nigeria relies on crude oil sales for more than 90 percent of its export earnings. With the dramatic drop in the price of crude oil in the wake of the global economic crisis, Nigeria’s income has diminished. The drop in the price of crude oil and the sweeping panic following the sub-prime mortgage market collapse in the U.S. in 2008 saw foreign investors pulling their money out of the country and resulted in a shortage of hard currency. This led to a fall in the value of the local currency, the Naira. In the black market, where most Nigerians source their hard currency dropped by about 50 percent. The official rate also fell to N145. Inflation Higher production costs for the manufacturing sector are transferred on to consumers leading to inflation. Just like the manufacturing sector, small businesses transfer some of their costs to the consumer. According to Nigeria’s National Bureau of Statistics, inflation rose from 8.2 percent in April, to 9.7 percent in May. The rising inflation and the inability of many Nigerians to cope with it have caused some disquiet around the country. In May, workers started a series of demonstrations to demand higher pay. The main workers union, the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, wanted the minimum wage - currently the equivalent of 30 dollars a month - to rise to about 300 dollars. These greatly increased wages say NLC officials, were needed to cushion the effects of inflation.Ismail Bello, an official of the workers' union, fears the worst if the government goes ahead with deregulation. "For us deregulation will mean further increase in prices of petroleum products. For workers we believe that deregulation will bring more pain, it will result in an increase in prices," he said He adds that deregulation "will result in [further] inflation, it will depress workers pay which is already very depressed given the kind of economic crisis that we are going through."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Don't let your goals and resolutions fall by the wayside. Chances are that to achieve your dreams and live a life you love, those goals and resolutions are crucial. Goal setting and goal achievement are easier if you follow these three steps for effective and successful goal setting and resolution accomplishment.
.... You need to deeply desire the goal or resolution. Napoleon Hill, in his landmark book, Think and Grow Rich, had it right. "The starting point of all achievement is desire. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat." So, your first step in goal setting and achieving your dreams is that you've got to really, really want to achieve the goal.
.... Visualize yourself achieving the goal. "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." says Lee Iacocca .What will your achievement feel like? How will your life unfold differently as a result? If the goal is a thing, some gurus of goal setting propose that you keep a picture of the item where you see and are reminded of it every day. If you can’t picture yourself achieving the goal, chances are – you won’t.
.... Make a plan for the path you need to follow to accomplish the goal. Create action steps to follow. Identify a critical path. The critical path defines the key accomplishments along the way, the most important steps that must take place for the goal to become a reality. Stephen Covey said, "All things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation of all things. You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want, that you've thought everything through. Then you put it into bricks and mortar. Each day you go to the construction tool shed and pull out the blueprint to get marching orders for the day. You begin with the end in mind." He's right. COME BACK FOR THE NEXT 3 POINTS.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Being persistent and not giving up is the most important lost job advice you can get. Yes, things might look hopeless right now, but the harder you work at finding another job, the greater your chances will be. It might take you a while this time because of the economy to find a new job but you need to keep your spirits high.
While you will want to spend a large part of your free time looking for jobs, this is your chance to branch out and learn some new skills. The Internet has created many new online jobs and opportunities which are out there to be learned. There are many legitimate money making ideas online and while it may be difficult to distinguish between the scams and real opportunities at first, after you learn a few things you will see the real money making potential.
The Internet is worldwide now and it is a resource that you should learn to use. Company recruiters now do much of their recruiting online and you need to make sure you have a presence at all the main job web sites. Likewise, the Internet is being used by millions everyday to either make a living or to supplement one. Take this time when you don’t have a job to learn what you can do to add to your income via the online world. You may just find that you can turn it into your own full time job and never need another job interview again. VISIT : CASHCRATE


After graduating college, many people plan on starting work in a career they love, handle their finance responsibly, and build a fulfilling life. Life in Nigeria seem not to be so. With this economy meltdown, daily retrenchment and limited employment opportunities we face everyday, it behooves us to try other means of making ends meet. It may be a slow means but it is also a steady one. Welcome to the secret to making money with free paid surveys and is by referring people. Yes, you should start by filling out a few surveys, but that won’t make you rich and it is a lot of work.
There are several that can be used with CashCrate. The real way to make money with paid surveys is by referring lots and lots of people and having them sign up under you. You want them to fill out the surveys and also sign up people under them. Since CashCrate is a two tier system, you get commissions on both!
I get my referrals from this blog. I am always trying to get more referrals and so should you. The more referrals you get the more money you will make. It is free to sign up to CahsCrate so getting referrals is not too hard. Remember to tell everyone that is FREE to signup and start making money.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Today I want to share with you one of the mostpowerful techniques that can jump-start your dayand give you all the positive energy you need.It's called The Identity Board.It is fun and it works! A lot of times we lackjust a little bit of courage, self-confidence ordetermination to pursue the goals that we reallywant.Our thoughts and behaviors are mainly determinedby our belief system. Our self-beliefs (how wesee ourselves) play an important role in how weinteract with other people and what self-image weproject for the others to see. The identity board allows you to strengthen yourpositive strains and transform your negativetraits of character into positive ones. Identity Board is a powerful motivational tool,because it combines all the benefits of two mainmotivational techniques - visualization andpositive affirmations.


If the world around you doesn't fulfill your expectations, and thoughts like "What do I live for?" and "What is the meaning of my life?" keep bothering you, we need to talk. It's not a feeling of melancholy, and no medicine will cure it.
Rather the answer is you are so special. The black dot in you heart has just begun to grow. You are in the beginning of your path. Thousands of people were shown that way and they are on the move already.
Age, religion, race and gender don't matter. Find out the truth about yourself.