Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have always been amazed by Edison, who had filed 400 patents between 1876 and 1884, at approximately a patent a week. Isn't he remarkable?
This is a true story which i came across from one of the Newsletters which was trying to explain about "things ahead of its time". It seems that Edison liked to demonstrate his phonograph by allowing people to speak into the machine and then playing the recording back for them. However, the technology was outside almost everyone's conceptual understanding. Up to that point in history, the only thing that could mimic the sound of one's voice was a ventriloquist, so people thought it had to be a trick. Clergymen came to pronounce it "the devil's work" and to discredit Edison.
But here's the really fun part. Edison used to charge people 25 cents to try to "fool the machine." A person who spoke Latin (a dead language) would speak Latin into it and, of course, it would speak Latin back to the person. People wondered how Edison was able to teach a machine to speak Latin. A person would speak Chinese into the machine and it would speak Chinese back to them. Again, people would wonder how the "Wizard of Menlo Park" taught the machine to speak Chinese.
People simply did not understand the concept of a recording.
This just goes into prove "what a genius, he is".
If you would like to read and know more about this genius do visit:


"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."
--- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Grief touches all of us. It may be because of a death of a loved one, a loss of a job or tragic life events beyond our control. Grieving hurts and heals. As you read through this section, if you have something you would like to add, please send it here. By sharing, you can help others through their grief.

Monday, September 14, 2009


There is nothing wrong with watching a bit of TV once in a while. But watching it every night can become a drag. It’s something you do out of habit rather than out of choice. Perhaps you watch TV to unwind after work.
There are heaps of other things you can do to unwind or relax in the evening that aren’t blobbing out in front of the TV. Here are some ideas:

1.Read a book
2.Go for a walk barefoot
3.Go to the beach
4.Cook a delicious meal
5.Clean your bedroom
7.Sit in your garden
8.Ride your bike
9.Go to a yoga class
10.Go to the gym
11.Go for a run
12.Do a puzzle
14.Have a beer
15.Write a book
16.Set some goals
17.Start keeping a diary
18.Grow a vege garden
19.Go fishing
20.Go to a pub quiz
21.Smell some flowers
22.Have a glass of red wine
24.Play cards
25.Play a board game
26.Chat with a family member or friend
27.Check yourself out in the mirror
28.Build a deck
29.Throw out all your junk
30.Go to the local pool and sit in the spa or sauna
31.Chop some wood
32.Do some volunteer work
33.Start investigating personal development
34.Go and relax under a tree
35.Climb a tree
36.Build a tree house
37.Make a short film
38.Look through old photo albums
39.Re-organize them if they need it
40.Play a musical instrument
41.Learn to play one if you don’t know how
42.Write a letter to family or friends
43.Knit a sweater
44.Do a cross stitch
45.Learn a language
46.Take a night class
47.Try a new sport
48.Go Ten Pin bowling
49.Start a blog or a website
50.Sit on a rug in front of the fireplace. Just watch the fire, its addictive
51.Set fire on your gabbage can
52.Do a headstand against the wall
53.Get an early night’s sleep
54.Have a cup of tea
55.Try a martial art
56.Go and harvest shellfish from the rock pools
57.Jump off the pier at the lake
58.Build a homemade raft
59.Build a set of shelves
60.Get a project car and do it up
61.Spend some time with your other half
62.Go out and find another half
63.Coach a local kids sports team
64.Play with your kids
65.Babysit someone else’s kids
67.Practice visualization techniques
68.Play dress ups
69.Have a long shower
70.Have a bubble bath
71.Call a friend you haven’t talked to in ages
72.Go kayaking
73.Go swimming
74.Invite someone round for dinner
75.Give someone a massage
76.Get someone to give you a massage
77.Go out for dinner
78.Quit your job
79.Vent any negative emotions you are holding on to
80.Tell someone you love them
81.Write a list of all the things you love about yourself
84.Play with your pets
85.Walk the dog and enjoy it
86.Just sit and literally feel the world around you. Experience the moment
87.Play with bubble wrap
88.Lie down and watch the clouds go by
89.Sit and watch traffic go past
90.Have a fruit salad
91.Get all your things ready for tomorrow so you can sleep in a bit
92.Turn off your cellphone
93.Forage fruit from wild fruit trees
94.Visit your parents or grandparents or kids. Or grandkids.
95.Go for a drive
96.Shut your eyes and reflect on life
97.Put some indoor plants round your house
98.Go to the driving range
99.Go to the airport and watch the planes
100.Put on your favorite peace of music
101.Sit and breathe deeply


1. Try new things. Don’t be afraid of failure or afraid that you won’t enjoy something. Just because you decide to try something doesn’t mean you will be stuck with it.
I wanted to try a mind/body exercise program. I went to Tai Chi and Qiqong classes but didn’t really enjoy them that much. However I also tried yoga, I immensely enjoyed it and I have stuck with it since. Not everything new you try will stick. But by trying new things you will find something you have a passion for.

2. Imagine you have time and money freedom. Imagine that you didn’t have to go to work anymore. And imagine you had an unlimited amount of money. Lets say I gave you 10 billion dollars right now. How would you spend your days? What would you do with your time if there was nothing that you had to do but only things that you wanted to do? Most people think they would spend the rest of their life swinging in a hammock on the beach. But that would get pretty boring after a while and you would look for exciting things to do.

3. Become aware of your cultural myths.Two kids, a dog, a house in the suburbs and a white picket fence. Sound familiar? Shelve these. They are what your culture tells you to want.

4. Expel other people’s desires. If other people’s dreams have found there way into your subconscious you need to become aware of these and then expel them. If you are living out your parent’s dream then you will never be truly happy.

5. Figure out your own truth. You may have been brought up to believe that success is getting a good job and making a lot of money. If you don’t consciously correct that belief then that scenario will play out. You need to manually override that with your own truth. I believe that success is actually about creatively expressing yourself, having new experiences and forming human relationships. Believing that then allows me to open myself up to figuring out what it is that I really want.

6. Listen to your inner voice. We get inner nudges all the time but more often than not we are too cowardly to follow them. Listen to your inner voice this time and follow that hunch. It might lead you to a great realization and maybe you will finally decide what it is that you want from life.


Indigenous cultures are animists. They could see the presence of the divine in everything and understood the way in which the universe worked. We lost this knowledge during civilization which either taught that god was a separate entity to the physical world or that the universe was a physical construct devoid of divinity.

But the knowledge was retained by mystics who held onto it in secret. It was also held onto by indigenous cultures such as the Kahunas of Hawaii. Now it is being rediscovered by quantum physics. Living as a leaver, as an animal and the seeking of self-realization and union with the divine to me go hand in hand.

It is much easier to experience the presence of the divine whilst living as a leaver. It’s much harder to do whilst living in a civilization that is trying to divorce itself from nature. Alternatively if enough people were seeking union with the divine from within civilization we would most likely go back to living as leavers because no one would be fussed with building pyramids or corporations or developing mastery over the world.

So that is what I have come up with as man’s purpose in life. To live as a leaver and to seek union with the divine. So do one or the other or both. Each leads to the other. They are not two separate purposes but one that expresses itself in two different ways.YOUR PURPOSE IS IN GOD. THE DAY YOU FIND HIM, THAT'S THE DAY YOU FIND YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE!!!


God gave us a spiritual purpose in life simply put is self-realization, to experience God, to experience union with the divine.
The universe is made up out of energy. It is all the same stuff, just changing form. Our minds, our thoughts and our consciousness are also made up of energy. Everything and everyone is intimately connected. Not just through this energy field. We are the energy field.
We are taught to think of ourselves as separate entities, as individuals. If you and I stand face to face it appears that there is a space between us. But it is just energy in a different form. Where does my body end and the space begin and when does the space end and your body begin. They don’t end and they don’t begin.

Nothing ends and nothing begins. Everything just is. Essentially that is the purpose, to realize the nature of the universe and then to experience it. To experience bliss, to feel yourself alive with divine energy.
There is no separation between God and the physical universe. They are one and the same. The physical universe is the essence of the divine manifesting and expressing itself in a variety of ways.

This is the view of mystics, pantheists, animists and even quantum scientists. It may seem to fly in the face of scientific reason by this view is actually supported by quantum physics. Even at a basic biological and chemical level we know that all matter is made out of the same stuff. It’s all on the periodic table but still they deny the power that made it. It all did'nt evolve as the big bang theory claim, there is a greater spirit out there which we must come in contact with. the great Elohim.

What they don’t teach you in science at high school is that this stuff on the periodic table is the essence of life, the divine force that is all creation.
Once we realize and understand that this is the nature of creation all we do is experience it. Blissfully experience it.

And because we are the energy field and because our thoughts are energy frequencies we can impact the energy field with our minds. In short we can use our minds to shape the world around us.
We can use the divine energy flowing in, out and around us and shape it. We can use it to creatively express our desires, just as we ourselves are the creative expression of the energy substance.

The Purpose Of Life

The purpose of life is a question that has been tackled by a whole lot of thinkers throughout history, by philosophers, religious men and even a fair number of bloggers. Yet THEY have never quite found a complete answer that I am happy with.
Maybe it is because there is no answer, maybe because no one has ever found the answer or maybe because the meaning of life is something unique to every individual.
Nevertheless I wanted to figure out the purpose of life so I knew how to live. After a lot of reading and reflection over several years I came up with a two-pronged answer. We have a purpose in life on the physical level as a living animal on Planet Earth. And we have a purpose on the spiritual level, as vibrant energy beings. God only, has the answer.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


How do you view each day as you crawl out of bed every morning? Do you look at it with an eagerness and anticipation or is it with some dread or even fear? I'll admit we all have days when rejoicing is one of the last things on our minds as we face a new day. However, this Scripture in Psalm 118:24 tells us we should rejoice and be glad in it. It doesn't say when you feel like it or when you have some eagerness about the day. There is no condition to it. It simply states,rejoice and be glad in it. So that would indicate all the time no matter what!