Monday, September 14, 2009


God gave us a spiritual purpose in life simply put is self-realization, to experience God, to experience union with the divine.
The universe is made up out of energy. It is all the same stuff, just changing form. Our minds, our thoughts and our consciousness are also made up of energy. Everything and everyone is intimately connected. Not just through this energy field. We are the energy field.
We are taught to think of ourselves as separate entities, as individuals. If you and I stand face to face it appears that there is a space between us. But it is just energy in a different form. Where does my body end and the space begin and when does the space end and your body begin. They don’t end and they don’t begin.

Nothing ends and nothing begins. Everything just is. Essentially that is the purpose, to realize the nature of the universe and then to experience it. To experience bliss, to feel yourself alive with divine energy.
There is no separation between God and the physical universe. They are one and the same. The physical universe is the essence of the divine manifesting and expressing itself in a variety of ways.

This is the view of mystics, pantheists, animists and even quantum scientists. It may seem to fly in the face of scientific reason by this view is actually supported by quantum physics. Even at a basic biological and chemical level we know that all matter is made out of the same stuff. It’s all on the periodic table but still they deny the power that made it. It all did'nt evolve as the big bang theory claim, there is a greater spirit out there which we must come in contact with. the great Elohim.

What they don’t teach you in science at high school is that this stuff on the periodic table is the essence of life, the divine force that is all creation.
Once we realize and understand that this is the nature of creation all we do is experience it. Blissfully experience it.

And because we are the energy field and because our thoughts are energy frequencies we can impact the energy field with our minds. In short we can use our minds to shape the world around us.
We can use the divine energy flowing in, out and around us and shape it. We can use it to creatively express our desires, just as we ourselves are the creative expression of the energy substance.

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