Monday, September 14, 2009


1. Try new things. Don’t be afraid of failure or afraid that you won’t enjoy something. Just because you decide to try something doesn’t mean you will be stuck with it.
I wanted to try a mind/body exercise program. I went to Tai Chi and Qiqong classes but didn’t really enjoy them that much. However I also tried yoga, I immensely enjoyed it and I have stuck with it since. Not everything new you try will stick. But by trying new things you will find something you have a passion for.

2. Imagine you have time and money freedom. Imagine that you didn’t have to go to work anymore. And imagine you had an unlimited amount of money. Lets say I gave you 10 billion dollars right now. How would you spend your days? What would you do with your time if there was nothing that you had to do but only things that you wanted to do? Most people think they would spend the rest of their life swinging in a hammock on the beach. But that would get pretty boring after a while and you would look for exciting things to do.

3. Become aware of your cultural myths.Two kids, a dog, a house in the suburbs and a white picket fence. Sound familiar? Shelve these. They are what your culture tells you to want.

4. Expel other people’s desires. If other people’s dreams have found there way into your subconscious you need to become aware of these and then expel them. If you are living out your parent’s dream then you will never be truly happy.

5. Figure out your own truth. You may have been brought up to believe that success is getting a good job and making a lot of money. If you don’t consciously correct that belief then that scenario will play out. You need to manually override that with your own truth. I believe that success is actually about creatively expressing yourself, having new experiences and forming human relationships. Believing that then allows me to open myself up to figuring out what it is that I really want.

6. Listen to your inner voice. We get inner nudges all the time but more often than not we are too cowardly to follow them. Listen to your inner voice this time and follow that hunch. It might lead you to a great realization and maybe you will finally decide what it is that you want from life.

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